Introducing the Notes Tool
A simple tool for creating audio and text notes. Notes sync with the dashboard, where they can be viewed or downloaded. You can also create text notes from the dashboard, which sync to your Light Phone.
Installing Notes Tool:
Ensure your phone is updated with the latest software. Then log in to the dashboard website, go to Phone > Toolbox and click (+) to add more tools. Select Notes, and press install. Sleep and wake your Light Phone II to refresh the toolbox menu.
Creating New Notes:
To create a new note, select either the audio note icon or text note icon.
Audio Notes:
Press the Microphone to begin recording, and the Stop icon to end recording. Once complete, you will be able to preview the audio note before saving, retrying or canceling the note. Audio notes can be downloaded on the dashboard or forwarded to your Light Account email.
Text Notes:
Type on the keyboard or use the voice-to-text to create a new note.
Edit these notes at any point when viewing them by clicking anywhere in the text area or going to the the top right menu and pressing Edit. You can also Copy text based notes to paste into text messages on the phone. Click the title to edit and customize the note's title.
Notes Titles:
By default, notes are left untitled. For an untitled text note, the list view will show a preview of the text. To add a title simple open the note and click in the title field to customize the note's title.
Dashboard Notes Tool:
The notes created on the Light Phone automatically sync with the dashboard where you can view and download all of your notes. You can also create new text based notes on the dashboard that will sync with the Light Phone II.
About the Notes tool:
-It is still possible to create notes when offline; they will store locally and sync with the dashboard once service is restored.
-The tool is currently limited to 512mb of storage space. Click here to learn how to view your device storage.
-If you experiencing any issues with syncing of notes, we recommend removing and re-adding the tool in the dashboard.