Blocking an existing contact/number:
- Open up the thread with the contact/number that you would like to block, either from the main phone recents list, or using the search contacts (magnifying glass icon).
- Click their name/number at the top center of the thread to open the 'contact details' page.
- Click BLOCK in the top right to block this number.
Blocking a new number:
- Open the dial pad (grid icon on the bottom left of the main phone recents list)
- Enter the phone number you would like to block
- Press the '+' icon to the left of the number. You can add a first/last name, nickname or skip naming all together by just pressing NEXT and SAVE.
- Press BLOCK in the top right corner to block this number.
How to unblock a contact/number
*NOTE: As the phone device, we can only block a number from ever appearing on the phone itself, but if a blocked user calls you, they may still be able to leave a voicemail with your carrier. Only mobile and cellular carriers are able to provide you with true call blocking. Hope that makes sense!