See full details of Calendar tool.
To connect a Google calendar to the Light Phone's Calendar tool, you will need to create an app-generated password specific for Light Phone.
NOTE - Currently this supports your main Google account calendar, but may not be able to sync all group/shared calendars. We are working to expand this compatibility in a near term update, thanks for your patience.
What is an App-Specific Password?
An App Password is a 16-digit passcode that gives a device permission to access to select aspects of your Google Account. App Passwords can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on.
Create an App-Password
1. Log into
2. Ensure 2-Step Verification is enabled. Go to "Security" and then click "2-Step Verification" under the heading "How you sign in to Google"
3. Once 2-Step Verification is enabled, scroll down to the bottom of the same 2-Step Verification screen and click "App passwords"
4. On the next screen, type an App name, such as "Light Calendar", and then click "Create" to generate the app-password.
5. Return to the dashboard website, and connect your Google calendar by entering the Google account email and the app-password that you just generated.
NOTE: the 16 digit app-password cannot have spaces, please make sure that there are no spaces after pasting the generated password or manually type it.
Once successfully connected, you will see a notification on your Light Phone device confirming that the calendar has now synced.
Having Issues Syncing?
-Try manually entering the app-specific password. We've seen a few instances where copy and pasting the password has failed.
-Ensure "supervision" is disabled for the account if using a Google Family Link account.
Removing Google Calendars
If you'd like to remove one specific synced calendar, open the Light Phone II Calendar tool on the device and click the Settings icon. Then "Remove Calendar" and select the calendar you'd like to un-sync.
You can remove all synced calendars by either removing the tool from the dashboard website, or logging out of your Light Account.