See full details of Calendar tool.
To connect an Apple/iCloud calendar to the Light Phone's Calendar tool, you will need to create an app-generated password specific for Light Phone.
Generating App-Specific Password
1. Sign in to your Apple ID account page
2. In the Security section, click Generate Password below App-Specific Passwords.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to generate an app-specific password for the Light Phone Calendar tool. Copy this password.
4. Return to the Dashboard website, enter the credentials for your Apple account, using the recently generated password.
Once successfully connected, you will see a notification on your Light Phone device confirming that the calendar has now synced.
Removing Apple Calendars
If you'd like to remove one specific synced calendar, open the Light Phone II Calendar tool on the device and click the Settings icon. Then "Remove Calendar" and select the calendar you'd like to un-sync.
You can remove all synced calendars by either removing the tool from the dashboard website, or logging out of your Light Account.